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Press - Sean Smith for Sheriff | La Plata County, CO


DGO | Sheriff Sean Smith on admitting when you’re wrong and the long road to dream jobs

La Plata County Sheriff Sean Smith discusses having an internal compass and a trusted group to help make decisions…

Durango Herald | Sheriff’s candidates discuss budget, turnover and homelessness challenges

With this November’s election closing in, three candidates for La Plata County Sheriff are defining themselves on major…

DurangoTV | Planning, Practice & Luck on the 416 Fire [VIDEO]

Emergency responders say that the Missionary Ridge Fire provided 37 days of hard training to prepare for this year’s fire season.

Pine River Times | Sheriff candidates spar about turnover, morale, homelessness

First forum brings together candidates in contested La Plata County races

Letters to the Editor

Sean Smith gave us more - keep him

I am fortunate to have worked for La Plata County for many years. My job was in a central support role…

Smith, more than a cowboy hat

1) His leadership style is inclusive and effective, earning him prestigious awards from both state and federal agencies…

Smith is a fair, qualified Sheriff

I was leaving the sheriff’s office to move to Virginia after 10 years in my position. I DID NOT leave because of Sheriff Smith. 

We need Smith to continue as Sheriff

I’ve chatted briefly with both major candidates in the La Plata County sheriff’s contest. I’ve chatted briefly with both…

We Support Sean Smith for Sheriff

We were affected, as most were, with the 416 fire. It started about a mile from our home, and having just moved here from…

Why Sean Smith gets my vote for sheriff

Sean Smith’s leadership style is inclusive and effective, earning him prestigious awards from both state and federal…

He shoots the sheriff, hits the deputies

“I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.” The Eric Clapton song seems to be the refrain of Charles Hamby…